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(Applies to everyone in lobby, edited & updated on July 8, 2017)



1. Feed your pets, eat supper, grab a drink, use the bathroom, tell family you can't be disturbed, kick out all siblings, lock the door, mute all cell phones, charge headsets and controllers, put on crew colors and emblems at least TWO HOURS BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT.


2.Make sure your game chat is set to "Everyone" so you can hear anyone not on your friend's list. Party Chat will NOT be used during the tournament.


3. Once the tournament events begin, turn off all music, videos and other mass noise generating machines so you can hear the host.


4. Once inside the tournament session, no weapons or explosions of any kind except in designated areas. Shooting or exploding things in the wrong location at the wrong time brings cops, screws up events, and wastes people's money that was reserved for the tournament.


5. No standing on, driving, moving, slamming into, or messing with any car but your own unless an event calls for the previously  listed things.


6. If you enter the tournament and leave the lobby during the tournament, you will be disqualified and not allowed back in the session.


7. If during the tournament events you wind up with police on you,  you must do the following immediately:

              A- Run away, call Lester and remove them immediately.

              B- Run away, let the cops kill you, then retrieve your vehicle from impound. PAY the impound fee. DO NOT steal your car back.


8. No patch wars during the tournament multi-crew tournaments. You get ONE warning and then you will be asked to leave. If you don't leave you will be kicked from the session. If your friends won't vote for you to be kicked, a new session will be created and everyone else will be invited except you.


9. Bounties will be set at certain times on players during events. Any player who takes a bounty without the express permission of the host will be disqualified from the tournament.


10. You must enter, not win, every tournament to qualify to win the title of Tournament Champion.


11. Each event has one winner. If you win more than one event, the winner title passes to the 2nd place player. This is to ensure everyone has a chance to win the tournament. You still get bragging rights for kicking ass though.


12. Whatever vehicle you arrive in at the start of the tournament, is the ONLY vehicle you will be allowed to use till the tournament is over. So choose wisely.


13. Events are organized by appearance. If you are the first to arrive, you will be the first to start in all events.


14. All House of Midnight members present at the event must be wearing crew colors and patches since we are hosting the event. This is Mandatory.


15. You must be wearing crew patches when in the tournament lobby. This does not apply to those who enter the tournament who do not yet have a crew. 


The Torque Tournaments were originally ended due to players constantly shooting other players,

blowing things up, and destroying tournament vehicles as well as wasting people's time and money during the tournament.


The tournaments are held every two months to ensure that other contestants have enough time to level up in order to better trick out their rides, as well as gain the cash necessary to enter the Tournament Events.


If you are not participating in the Torque Tournament, then do not request to join the session. It is for contestants only. Anyone wishing to spectate may do so via spectate player of video feed..


If you are in the tournament session, you must participate in ALL events - not just one or two. You must have vehicles ready, money to enter the tournament and or make repairs to cars, buy weapons, ect. the day BEFORE the tournament.


We will not wait for you to grind and have money to join. If you are not prepared, you can join the next tournament.

ENTRY FEE IS $20, 000


Upon entering the lobby where the Torque Tournament is held, you hereby automatically agree to

the rules set by the Tournament hosts.


Please take a moment and silently thank all the disrespectful gamers in the past who made these rules possible.

EVENT # 1 -7:00 PM Central Standard Time



​1. The Tournament host will tell you when to place a bounty on another player. You can do this by calling Lester.


2. All cars participating in CLASH OF THE CAR TITANS must park inside the Titan hanger with your rear bumper facing the walls of the hanger.


3. Leave 1 car length between bumper and the wall, and 2 car lengths between you and other cars. This not only enables the host to easily walk around the cars, but makes it easier to distinguish between player markers on the map.


4. The event will start when all players have parked and are standing to the left of their car. Once in position, DO NOT move till the event is over.


5. The host will ask each player to describe their car, the modifications made to it, paint colors, speed, etc. At the end, the player with the best car and presentation will be the winner. Each contestant has 1 minute to talk shop. The host will choose the winner with the best speech. Winners are not chosen on having the most expensive car.

EVENT # 2 - 7:30 PM Central Standard Time


Event #2 begins at the CENTRAL LANDING STRIP outside the Titan hanger at the air port.


1. Racers will line up in pairs of 2 at the central landing strip outside the titan hanger. (The landing strip looks like a giant figure 8 so you want the line going long ways down the center.)


2. Line up along the track in the grass. The host calls your name, you line up side by side and wait for the air horn.


3. When you hear the air horn, race to the end of the runway. First one across the finish line wins.


4. If you wish to, you may challenge your opponent and place bets. If you decide to do so, please inform the Tournament host so you may have ample time to place bets.


5. Winners of Event #2 must go back to the end of the pairs lined up at the starting line and park in the empty grass opposite the waiting racers.  First two winners will race each other and so on and so on till only one winner is left.


6. Winners of Events #1 & 2 will proceed to Event #4 location. Upon arrival, the remaining racers will begin Event #3.

EVENT # 3 - 7:30 PM Central Standard Time


Event #3 is a race from Event #2 to Event #4.


1. Line up side by side in front of Titan hanger.


2. At the sound of the buzzer, race in your cars from the titan hanger to the race track parking lot BEHIND the casino that is in the center of the race track.


3. To get there: The front of the casino faces West. There is a parking lot south of the casino building but north of the parking lot (see map). Drive between that parking lot and the casino and the road to the middle of the race track is under the bridge just north-east of the parking lot.


4. Park your cars in the parking lot spots and run for the fences. First one to jump onto the dirt track wins.



5. You will be dismissed as winner if your car is not parked correctly in a parking space (either pull in or back in, it doesn't matter) before you leave the vehicle to jump the fence. The car does not have to be perfectly straight, however, all 4 wheels need to be between the parking spot lines. If all spaces are taken, line up in front of another vehicle bumper to bumper.

EVENT # 4 - 7:45 PM Central Standard Time


Event # 4 is located at the Casino Horse Race Track in East Vinewood.



1. Stand on the roof covered platform till it is your turn to race.


2. Winners of Events #1, 2, and 3 will bring ATVs to contestants inside the race track. You must be going full speed or you will wind up stuck inside the green area of the race track. Use the white ramp on the right side of the buildings beside the parking lot and the video screen to jump them into the track.


3. The tournament host will park her car in the center of the track. Event contestants will line up 2 light powls away from her and face her on their ATVs. DO NOT GET OFF YOUR ATV FOR ANY REASON.


4. Equip basic shot guns only.


5. At the sound of the buzzer you will ride toward each other and attempy to "joust" (shoot) each other off the ATVs.


6. If you do not hit each other on the first pass, return to your starting point, wait for the buzzer and do it again till only one person is left.


7. If during the event you wind up wearing wanted stars, you must do the following immediately:

              Call Lester and remove them immediately Return to your spot to continue jousting.


8. Contestants on the platform must stay behind the platform till it is their turn to joust. To do so otherwise will put you in the range of the guns and they will auto lock on you and hit the wrong person. Thus we will have to restart the one-on-one joust round all over again.


9. After Event #4, proceed to the location for Event #5.

EVENT # 5 - 8:15 PM Central Standard Time


Event # 5 is located at the tennis court on the Crew Property .



1. Park your cars to the left of the tree at the main crew mansion. Do NOT park in the garage.


2. Someone will find a large SUV or truck and park it on the property driveway next door (the property over the hedge with the tennis court). 


3. Once the SUV/Truck is found and parked, all tournament contestants will gather inside the tennis court.


4. Equip fists only. NO WEAPONS will be allowed for this event.


5. The host will direct you where to stand on the tennis court, then seal up the tennis court with the SUV/truck.


6. Each player will place a $10,000 bounty on another player till every contestant has a bounty on their head.


7. Once the contestants are in place, and the bounties are set - the tournament host will sound the buzzer.


8. Contestants will then proceed to beat each other to death. Those dead will respawn outside the property. Continue in this manner till only one fighter is left.


9. After you have lost in Event #5, grab your cars and head to Event #6.


© 2013 by Midnightangel666. Proudly created with

Photos by Midnightangel666 , MDNT CREW, & friends.

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